Arthroscopy – Elbow
Anesthesia Implications
Position: Lateral, Bed turned 90 degrees
Time: 30-60 min (short)
Blood Loss: Very Low (5-10 ml)
Post-op Pain: Moderate (3-6)
Maintenance Paralytic: Yes
Tourniquet Use: Yes
Blocks: Supraclavicular
Lateral position (general considerations): If an ETT has been placed, make sure ETT is secure with extra tape. Unhook anesthesia circuit while turning lateral and be especially careful to keep patient’s head neutral and aligned with body to avoid neck injury. Once lateral, use pillows/blankets/foam headrest to keep the patient’s head in neutral position. The most common nerve injury for orthopedic lateral procedures are neurapraxias of the brachial plexus. These are motor and/or sensory loss for 6-8 weeks due to pressure on the contralateral (dependent) axilla. To prevent this, place an axillary roll under the patient (caudad to the axilla, on the rib cage, and NOT in the axilla). Check routinely to make sure the axillary roll does not migrate into the axilla. If the non-dependent arm is placed on a board, check padding and reposition regularly to avoid radial nerve compression. If a bean bag is employed, check the hard edges to ensure that unnecessary pressure isn’t being put on soft tissues. Pad all dependent bony prominences such as the fibular head (to prevent peroneal nerve injury), and place pillows between the knees and ankles (to prevent saphenous nerve injury). If anterior hip supports are in place, ensure they are properly padded or neuropraxias and/or occlusions of large blood vessels may result.
Tourniquet (general considerations): Antibiotics should be administered prior to tourniquet inflation. Tourniquet pain usually begins 45-60 minutes after inflation and is unresponsive to regional anesthesia and analgesics. Upper extremity pressure should be set to approximately 70-90 mmHg above systolic blood pressure (SBP). Lower extremity tourniquet pressure should be set to approximately 2 times SBP. Upon tourniquet release, there will be increases in End-tidal CO2 and metabolic acidosis, while decreases will be seen in core body temperature, blood pressure, and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2)