Laser Vaporization Soft Tissue Foot
Anesthesia Implications
Position: Supine, arms at side on armboards
Time: 5-30 min (very short)
Post-op Pain: Minimal (1-3)
Maintenance Paralytic: No
Anesthetic Approaches
- MAC, Propofol Drip
The Anesthesia
This surgery typically utilizes a CO2 laser – so have clear goggles available for both you and the patient.
This surgery is performed to remove warts. Make sure to have a high filtration mask.
Shortly after a propofol bolus, the surgeon will typically elect to localize the foot. This will be very stimulating and may cause the patient to move. Some surgeons will insist on the patient being deep enough not to move and other surgeons anticipate the movement. Ask the surgeon what they prefer.
Time for this surgery will vary based on how many warts are being removed.